Welcome To Sandpoint Middle School!

Bullpup Families,


As we head into summer, I want to thank you so much for allowing us to work with your kids this year.   They were a joy.  Thank you also for your patience and support while we worked through the problems with our building we experienced last winter.  That seems like it was a long time ago now, but those were pretty stressful days.  Your support meant everything.  Thank you.


This 8th grade class is near and dear to my heart.  I’m sad to see them go, but so very excited for the future I know they will shape.  Next year’s 8th graders will have some big shoes to fill, but I see the potential and ability to do so in every one of them.  

To our in-coming 7th graders:  rest up and gather energy over the summer.  We are serious about learning AND fun here at SMS, and we’ll need you at your best from day one.  To all:  have a wildly wonderful summer!  See you in September!




Mr. Penrose


P.S.  Don’t forget that all returning and new students must register every year now!  Go to your PowerSchool Parent Portal and get that done ASAP, please!


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New Student Registration

To pre-register your child into the Lake Pend Oreille School District, please go HERE.

For more information, please go HERE.