Welcome To Sandpoint Middle School!

Dear Bullpup Families,

Welcome to North Idaho’s favorite season:  Springwinterspringwinterspringwinterspring…!  The melting of the snow and the blooming of the crocuses mean one thing to us here at SMS:  the Idaho Standardized Achievement Tests (ISAT’s) ARE ALMOST UPON US!  That’s right – starting next week, students will begin a series of tests that demonstrate what they’ve learned this year.  I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to our school and community that students give us their best on every test.  These scores not only measure Sandpoint against other communities but also, importantly, are used for student placement in classes here and at the high school.  All we ask is that students give us their best.

To do their best, we need your help.  ISAT scores are often determined the night before the test even begins as students eat, sleep, and prepare.  Is your student prone to burning the midnight oil to get to that next level on their video game?  Does your student scroll through Snapchat and Reels until the wee hours of the morning?Your parenting choices are your own, but we ask that you tighten up on devices and bedtimes on the days before each test (schedule below).  Get them off their devices at least an hour before bedtime.  Set a bedtime that allows them at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. In the morning, feed them a healthy, light breakfast an hour before school.  We’ve done the teaching.  Your student has done the learning.  Your part is to set them up to strut their stuff on test day!

As we work through the ISAT’s, several other cool events are coming into view.  We’ll have an Activity Day to celebrate the end of testing on May 23rd.  The next Friday, May 31st, our 8th graders will go to Silverwood (if they qualify), and our 7th graders will host next year’s 7th graders here at the school, after which they’ll go see a movie at Bonner Mall Cinemas.  Then, the end of the year will be upon us.  June 7th is the last day of the school year and we’ll be having a Talent Show, recognizing some students, handing out Yearbooks and having some fun.  Then…it’s Summer!

But there’s a long way to go before those fun days.  Please join us in focusing in, laser-like, on doing our best on the test.  We’re all in this together!

ISAT Testing Dates

23-Apr: 7th & 8th ELA Performance Task, Part 1

25-Apr: 7th & 8th ELA Performance Task, Part 2

30-Apr: 8th Science

7-May: 7th and 8th Math Performance Task

9-May: 7th and 8th ELA Computer Adaptive Test

14-May: 7th and 8th Math Computer Adaptive Test

Speaking of Help Needed from Parents…

We don’t have a PTA or PTO here at SMS, the parent groups who do so much for elementary schools, including running Teacher Appreciation Week.  We’ve tried to get a PTA going a few times without much success.  I’m not giving up on that, but for now I’m asking for some parent help with the many staff recognition days we have coming up.  We are asking for donations of various kinds to feed and recognize the adults who spend day after day working on behalf of your child.  You can find the sign-up here: SMS Teacher Appreciation Sign Up.  Please donate what you can.  Thank you so much!


Mr. Penrose


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New Student Registration

To pre-register your child into the Lake Pend Oreille School District, please go HERE.

For more information, please go HERE.